Editor Positions:
Geography, Government & Politics, Sociology, Technology. 

Author Positions:
There are currently author positions available for every subject. If you would like to be involved like our Facebook page, or directly message or speak to one of the editors. To find out who the editors are click on the course list tab. 

Other roles available:
Assistants. As the work load increases some of the editors with other roles such as PR managers will need some help meeting deadlines! 
Publicity: we are always looking to be able to publicise the website, so if you think you can come up with great ways of doing this get involved! If you do have any ideas then please contact our P.R. Team to get your ideas in motion - you can get in touch via facebook or messaging us right here on the site (click the 'Contact Us' tab at the top of the page) with facebook just message either Ben Hobbs or Holly Whitehead and either one will get back to you asap.

for information about either Editorial or Authorial roles, you can get in touch via this site, or by  visiting our facebook page.

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